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Seznam exponátů z lokality Kotýz - sonda V. Vokáče et al. 2013

Orthoceras AH311
Orthoceras AH315
Orthoceras AH402
Orthoceras AH391
Orthoceras AH280
Orthoceras AH435
Orthoceras AH436
Orthoceras AH426
Orthocerida AH42
Orthonychia AH249
Orthonychia AH177
Orthonychia AH71
Orthonychia AH143
Orthotheca AH94
Orthotheca CW2006
Orthotheca AH131
Orthotheca AH411
Orthotheca AH156
Otarion novaki AH26
Otarion novakiOrig. Vokáč et al. 2013, Tab. 1, obr. 3 - kranidium; obr.4 -volná líce VV80

Virtual museum of the Czech Geological Survey, www.geology.cz, (C) Czech Geological Survey, 2011, v.0.99 [13.12.2011]