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Seznam exponátů z lokality Rejkovice - Potůček

Acadolenus snajdri VK442
Acadolenus snajdri CW253
Acadolenus snajdri VK694
Acadolenus snajdri VK443
Condylopyge rex (Barrande, 1846)Fatka et al. (2015), Pl.2, fig.c CW18
Condylopyge rex (Barrande, 1846)Fatka et al. (2015), Pl.2, fig.b FK63
Condylopyge rex (Barrande, 1846)Fatka et al. (2015), Pl.2, fig.a CW17
Conocoryphe cirina Šnajdr, 1982 FK2
Conocoryphe cirina Šnajdr, 1982 FK59
Conocoryphe gerlinda Šnajdr VL1448
Conocoryphe gerlinda Šnajdr VL1615
Conocoryphe gerlinda Šnajdr FK10
Conocoryphe gerlinda Šnajdr VL1616
Conocoryphe sulzeri cirina Šnajdr VL1428
Ctenocephalus coronatus (Barrande, 1846) CW252
Dawsonia bohemicaKnížek et al. (2018) VV278
Eccaparadoxides pusillus VL1454
Eccaparadoxides pusillus VL1423
Eccaparadoxides pusillusFatka&Kordule (1992), Pl. I, fig. 6 VK696
Ellipsocephalus hoffi FK29

Virtual museum of the Czech Geological Survey, www.geology.cz, (C) Czech Geological Survey, 2011, v.0.99 [13.12.2011]