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Result of the map search

Seznam exponátů z lokality Cuesta de Valderuelo section, Middle Ordovician localities NE-II/III

Asaphellus toledanus (Gill, 1976) PB1326
Asaphellus toledanus (Gill, 1976) PB1318
Asaphellus toledanus (Gill, 1976) PB1319
Bathycheilus castilianus PB1327
Cracquina hispanica (Born, 1918) PB1321
Ectillaenus giganteus (Burmeister, 1843) PB1322
Hemiprionodonta lusitanica (Sharpe, 1853) PB1322
Neseuretus avus Hammann, 1977 PB1320
Ogyginus forteyi PB1321
Ogyginus Raymond, 1912 PB1328
Ogyginus Raymond, 1912 PB1323
Paralenorthis PB1324
Paralenorthis PB1325
Paralenorthis PB1322
Sivorthis PB1322

Virtual museum of the Czech Geological Survey, www.geology.cz, (C) Czech Geological Survey, 2011, v.0.99 [13.12.2011]