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      7th Class - Sulfates, Selenates, Tellurates, Chromates, Molybdates, Wolframates This class represents great group of minerals with respective complexes: SO4, TeO4, CrO4, MoO4, WO4 tetrahedra. This class is classified into groups of hydrous and anhydrous minerals.

baryt s whewellitem a sfaleritem

No. of sample: g5477
Mineral: baryt, HOR
Description: jeden kus /10x7cm/
Localization: Kladno - Dubí, důl Prago
Origin: coll.V.Šafránek
Comment: krystaly na rozpukaném pelosideritu
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baryt s whewellitem a sfaleritem

Virtual museum of the Czech Geological Survey, www.geology.cz, (C) Czech Geological Survey, 2011, v.0.99 [13.12.2011]