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Linguliformea (Linguliforms)

      Linguliformea is a subphylum of former inarticulate brachiopods. These were the earliest of brachiopods, ranging from the Cambrian into the Holocene. They rapidly diversified during the Cambrian into the Ordovician, but most families went extinct by the end of the Devonian.The articulation in these brachiopods is lacking. These brachiopods have adductor and oblique muscles, but no diductor muscles. The anus is located at the side of the body. The pedicle is a hollow extension of the ventral body wall. Posterior body wall separates dorsal and ventral mantles. The shells are usually made up of apatite (calcium phosphate), however rare cases have calcite or aragonite shells.

Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linguliformea
Discina MŠ1922
Discina MŠ1923
Discinisca carpathiaČtyroký a Fejfar (1963), Pl. VII, fig. 1, 3 PČ526
Discinisca nalivkiniAD, Topotyp Topotyp PČ1
Discinisca ON248
DisciniscaNekvasilová a Soukup (1977), Pl. I, fig. 1; Pl. II, fig. 1 ON190
DisciniscaNekvasilová a Soukup (1977), Pl. I, fig. 2 ON192
Discinisca ON249
Discinisca ON250
Discinisca ON247
DisciniscaNekvasilová a Soukup (1977), Pl. I, fig. 3, 4; Pl. II, fig. 2 ON191
Drabodiscina grandis SZ87
Drabodiscina grandis YA135
Drabodiscina grandis XA290
Drabodiscina JP911
Drabodiscina CW1999
Drabodiscina CW866
Elkanisca klouceki (Koliha, 1918)Peršín, Mergl, Budil a Tasáryová (2018), Fig. 3. 3 JP2002
Elkanisca klouceki (Koliha, 1918)Peršín, Mergl, Budil a Tasáryová (2018), Fig. 3. 7 JP2004
Elkanisca klouceki (Koliha, 1918)Peršín, Mergl, Budil a Tasáryová (2018), Fig. 3. 6 JP2003

Virtual museum of the Czech Geological Survey, www.geology.cz, (C) Czech Geological Survey, 2011, v.0.99 [13.12.2011]