Česká geologická služba
Virtual museum
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      2nd class - Sulfides - The minerals in this class are compounds of metals with S, Se, Te, As, Sb, Bi, i.e. together with similar selenides, tellurides, arsenides, antimonides, bismuthides. They are classified into divisions according to the amounts of metals and nonmetals in minerals, and their metal/sulfur ratio.

List of exhibits

pyrargyrit, jeden kus 5cm x 3cm g6327
polybasit, jeden kus 10cm x 4cm g6328
pyrostilpnit, jeden kus 9cm x 7cm g6329
bournonit, jeden kus 10cm x 6cm g6330
galenit, 2ks,7cm x 6cm,6cm x 5cm g6332
antimonit, jeden kus 12cm x 9cm g6333
bournonit, jeden kus 9cm x 5cm g6335
pyrargyrit, jeden kus 9cm x 8cm g6336
pyrostilpnit, jeden kus 8cm x 5cm g6296
bournonit, jeden kus 10cm x 7cm g6299
arsenopyrit, jeden kus 6 x 6cm g6348
tetraedrit, jeden kus 7 x 6cm g6349
polybasit, jeden kus 8 x 3cm g6352
pyrostilpnit, jeden kus 3 x 2cm g6353
pyrostilpnit, jeden kus 7 x 4cm g6354
pyrostilpnit, jeden kus 7 x 6cm g6355
pyrostilpnit, jeden kus 5 x 6cm g6356
pyrostilpnit, jeden kus 6 x 5cm g6357
pyrostilpnit, jeden kus 6 x 5cm g6358
pyrargyrit, jeden kus 6 x 6cm g6359

Virtual museum of the Czech Geological Survey, www.geology.cz, (C) Czech Geological Survey, 2011, v.0.99 [13.12.2011]