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Volcanics and volcanisedimentary rocks

      The volcanics (extrusive or effusive magmatic rocks) resulted from volcanic action on or near the Earth´s surface, either as lava flows or as volcanic explosion (volcanic ash, lapilli, bombs). The products can be retransported to considerable distance. Volcanisedimentary rocks consist of a mixture of volcanic products and sediments. These two compouds can be mixed or deposited in alternating layers. Tuffite is a good example.

Exhibition detail no. 5913

No. of sample: g5913
Rock: keratofyr (alk.živc. trachyt - andezit), vulkanity (+ vulkanosedimentární horniny)
Description: jeden kus
Localization: Podolec
Author: leg.V.Klein,1965
Comment: zašlé lomy při okr. silnici Pavlovice - Chlum JZ od koty 368.9


Virtual museum of the Czech Geological Survey, www.geology.cz, (C) Czech Geological Survey, 2011, v.0.99 [13.12.2011]