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      9th class - Silicates This group of minerals is extremely large. The fundamental building block of silicates is the SiO4 tetrahedron, and silicate structures are classified according to the degree of polymerization by corner-sharing of the tetrahedra:
Nesosilicates - have insular SiO4 tetrahedra.
Sorosilicates - have cluster structures with two, or rarely more, corner- sharing tetrahedra.
Cyclosilicates - have tetrahedra connected into rings.
Inosilicates - have tetrahedra in chains of infinite length.
Phyllosilicates - have rings of tetrahedra linked into continuous sheets.
Tektosilicates - have tetrahedra linked into a 3-dimensional framework.

Exhibition detail no. 7899

No. of sample: g7899
Mineral: vltavín, MIN
Description: 270 ks, 499g
Localization: Vrábče, okres Č. Budějovice
Author: leg.Žebera,1965-72
Comment: svrchní miocén, plážové vltavínonosné štěrkopísky korosecké části delty řeky Miochvalšiny, předáno k zahraničnímu prodeji: 23ks - 350g, materiál získán nákupní smlouvou s dr. Žeberou v říjnu-1972, zůstatek 40 kusů = 149g


Virtual museum of the Czech Geological Survey, www.geology.cz, (C) Czech Geological Survey, 2011, v.0.99 [13.12.2011]