Česká geologická služba
Virtual museum
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      2nd class - Sulfides - The minerals in this class are compounds of metals with S, Se, Te, As, Sb, Bi, i.e. together with similar selenides, tellurides, arsenides, antimonides, bismuthides. They are classified into divisions according to the amounts of metals and nonmetals in minerals, and their metal/sulfur ratio.

List of exhibits

millerit, jeden kus /8x5cm/ g4571
linnéit, jeden kus /4x2cm/ g4597
pyrit,pyrhotin,chalkopyrit, jeden kus g4628
arsenopyrit, sfalerit, pyrit, jeden kus g4631
sfalerit ii, dva kusy g4325
sfalerit ii, jeden kus g4329
sfalerit, jeden kus g4666
galenit, anglerit, cerusit, stříbro, jeden kus g4668
tetraedrit,sfalerit,pyrit, jeden kus g4697
jamesonit, jeden kus g4698
greenockit, jeden kus g4701
linnéit, jeden kus /7x6cm/ g4719
smaltin, dva kusy g4850
nikelin a smaltin, jeden kus g4851
chalkopyrit, jeden kus g4852
smaltin,kobaltit se záhnědou, dva kusy g4853
molybdenit, tři kusy g4855
molybdenit, jeden kus g4856
molybdenit, jeden kus g4857
chalkopyrit a pyrrhotin, jeden kus g4859

Virtual museum of the Czech Geological Survey, www.geology.cz, (C) Czech Geological Survey, 2011, v.0.99 [13.12.2011]