Česká geologická služba
Virtual museum
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      8th class - Phosphates 8th class - Phosphates. Phosphates with PO4 together with arsenates (AsO4) and vanadates (VO4 or V2O7). Phosphates form great class of mnerals which is classified into divisions and groups after presence or absence of water and additional anions.

List of exhibits

eritrinový povlak na Co rudách, jeden kus g3051
torbernit, jeden kus g1626
pyromorfit, jeden kus /8x6cm/ g4075
torbernit, jeden kus g3352
autunit, jeden kus g3353
amblygonit, stanin, kassiterit, jeden kus g4412
pyromorfit na galenitu, dva kusy g4342
mimetesit, jeden kus g4711
pyromorfit, jeden kus 6cm x 6cm g6297
pyromorfit, jeden kus 8cm x 7cm g6295
tryfilín, dva kusy g7439
mixit a trögerit, jeden kus /6x6cm/ g8437
pyromorfit, jeden kus /8x8cm/ g8412
amblygonit, jeden kus /10x6cm/ g8419
amblygonit a stanin, jeden kus g8424
torbernit, jeden kus /12x8cm/ g8425
pyromorfit, jeden kus /9x6cm/ g8427
apatit, jeden kus /2x2cm/ g8494
torbernit, jeden kus /10x 8cm/ g8542
apatit, dva kusy /3x2cm, 2x2cm/ g8545

Virtual museum of the Czech Geological Survey, www.geology.cz, (C) Czech Geological Survey, 2011, v.0.99 [13.12.2011]