Česká geologická služba
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      9th class - Silicates This group of minerals is extremely large. The fundamental building block of silicates is the SiO4 tetrahedron, and silicate structures are classified according to the degree of polymerization by corner-sharing of the tetrahedra:
Nesosilicates - have insular SiO4 tetrahedra.
Sorosilicates - have cluster structures with two, or rarely more, corner- sharing tetrahedra.
Cyclosilicates - have tetrahedra connected into rings.
Inosilicates - have tetrahedra in chains of infinite length.
Phyllosilicates - have rings of tetrahedra linked into continuous sheets.
Tektosilicates - have tetrahedra linked into a 3-dimensional framework.

List of exhibits

granát, dva kusy g7588
lepidolit, čtyři kusy g7589
chalcedon, jeden kus 10x6cm g7643
kyz - polymetalycké zrudnění, jeden kus g7729
chrysotil /asbest/, jeden kus g7790
anthofylit, dva kusy g7802
živec, tři kusy g7804
živec, jeden kus g7805
živec, dva kusy g7806
fuchsit, jeden kus g7841
vltavín, 52 kusů - 239 g g7872
vltavín, 161ks - 510g g7873
živec - partie v pegmatitu, jeden kus g7877
serpentin - granátový, jeden kus g8281
vltavín, 127 kusů g8286
serpentin, jeden kus g7913
beryl, jeden kus g7932
wollastonit, jeden kus g7938
turmalin s kassiteritem, jeden kus g7944
vltavín, 270 ks, 499g g7899

Virtual museum of the Czech Geological Survey, www.geology.cz, (C) Czech Geological Survey, 2011, v.0.99 [13.12.2011]