Česká geologická služba
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Unconsolidated Sediments

      The unconsolidated sediments are deposits which were formed by secondary sedimentation of previously weathered rocks and redeposition of their fragments, and/or by chemical and biochemical precipitation from solutions. They were not compacted and lithified. Unconsolidated sediments are mostly of Tertiary and Quaternary ages. However, there are some exceptions, as the Cambrian blue clays of St. Petersboug with their important fossils (gastropods, hyolithids, spores).

List of exhibits

Fe-bauxit, dva kusy g7989
laterit, dva kusy g7990
bauxit, čtyři kusy g7993
kaolin, jeden kus g10640
slatina karbon., jedna krabice g10428
rendzina fosilní, jedna krabice g10430
rašeliník - recentní vápnomilný, dva kusy g10251
písek travertinový, jeden kus g10380
štěrk fluviální, jeden kus g10439
křída sladkovodní, jeden kus g10447

Virtual museum of the Czech Geological Survey, www.geology.cz, (C) Czech Geological Survey, 2011, v.0.99 [13.12.2011]