Česká geologická služba
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Unconsolidated Sediments

      The unconsolidated sediments are deposits which were formed by secondary sedimentation of previously weathered rocks and redeposition of their fragments, and/or by chemical and biochemical precipitation from solutions. They were not compacted and lithified. Unconsolidated sediments are mostly of Tertiary and Quaternary ages. However, there are some exceptions, as the Cambrian blue clays of St. Petersboug with their important fossils (gastropods, hyolithids, spores).

List of exhibits

písčitý vápnitý jíl, jeden kus g6064
křemelina zn.l. /II.jakost/, jedna krabička g5866
štěrkopísek (fluviální), jedna krabička g5965
slatina - fosilní, jedna krabička g5969
písek - vátý, jeden kus /krabička/ g5970
sprašová hlína, jedna krabička g5971
štěrkopísek - /labe/, jedna krabička g5972
nadložní žáruvzdorný jíl, g5862
křemelina "p" /I.jakost/, jedna krabička g5975
písky, jedna krabička g5995
rašelinoslatinná zemina, jedna krabička g5996
štěrkopísky, jedna krabička g5997
jíl, jeden kus g5894
kaolinické písky, šest kusů g5896
písky,pískovce, čtyři kusy g5899
kaolinické písky, tři kusy g5900
písky, jedna krabička g5901
písky, jedna krabička g5903
písky, tři kusy g5908
jíl - tufitický, jedna krabička g5206

Virtual museum of the Czech Geological Survey, www.geology.cz, (C) Czech Geological Survey, 2011, v.0.99 [13.12.2011]