Česká geologická služba
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Sediments consolidated

      The consolidated sediments are deposits which were formed by secondary sedimentation of previously weathered rocks and redeposition of their fragments, and/or by chemical and biochemical precipitation from solutions. Later, they have been consolidated during a diagenesis. During diagenesis following processes leading to consolidation are in operation: compaction, cementation, recrystallization, intrastratal solution, metasomatism, and authigenesis. The intensity of diagenesis depends mostly on the depth of burial, hydrostatic and oriented pressure of surrounded rocks, on temperature, solution activity and some additional factors. The transformation of sand into sandstone serves as one of examples of consolidation during diagenetic processes.

List of exhibits

pískovec, jeden kus, vrtné jádro g5928
pískovec, jeden kus g5929
pískovec, jeden kus g5930
pískovec, jeden kus - vrtné jádro g5941
pískovec prachovitý, jeden kus g5944
slínovec, jeden kus g5963
slínovec, jeden kus g5964
pískovec - glaukonitický, jeden kus, vrtné jádro g5967
jílovec - spongilitický, jeden kus g5968
pískovec, jeden kus, vrtné jádro g5914
pískovec - kaolinický, hrubý, jeden kus - vrt. jádro g5859
jílovec, jeden kus, vrtné jádro g5861
pískovec - prachovitý, jeden kus g5915
pískovec - stř. zrnitý, jeden kus g5916
pískovec - jemnozrnný,křemenný, jeden kus, vrtné jádro g5918
křemenec s kalcitem, jeden kus g5885
pestré pískovce, tři kusy g5895
pískovce, čtyři kusy g5897
pískovce se železit.tmelem, dva kusy g5898
pískovce se želez.tmelem, jeden kus g5902

Virtual museum of the Czech Geological Survey, www.geology.cz, (C) Czech Geological Survey, 2011, v.0.99 [13.12.2011]