Česká geologická služba
Virtual museum
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      The metamorphic rocks are derived from pre-existing sedimentary and magmatic rocks by mineralogical, chemical, and structural changes, essentially in the solid state, in response to marked changes in temperature and/or pressure (both hydrostatic and oriented), during deeper burial into deeper parts of the Earth´s crust. During these processes parallel orientation of newly formed minerals generally forms (schistosity). Hydrothermal metamorphism represents a special type, because it is related to the migration of solutions near ore veins. Contact metamorphism results from temperature effect near contact with magmatite bodies.

List of exhibits

granulit moldanubikum, dva kusy g7453
rula drobová jemnozrnná, jeden kus g7470
pararula - dvojslídná, jeden kus g7471
migmatit, jeden kus g7557
pararula až migmatit, jeden kus g7559
migmatit s cordioritem, jeden kus g7560
migmatit až anatektický granit, jeden kus g7561
amfibolit, jeden kus g7562
hadec, jeden kus g7563
pararula okatá, jeden kus g7479
pararula, jeden kus g7543
svor dvojslídný, jeden kus g7546
fylonit z rodelské linie, jeden kus g7547
svor dvojslídný, dva kusy g7548
svor muskovitický, jeden kus g7551
kvarcit biotiticko-muskovitick, jeden kus g7552
pararula, jeden kus g7553
pararula - muskovit -biotit, jeden kus g7554
biotitická rula, jeden kus g7617
amfibolit granátický, jeden kus g7481

Virtual museum of the Czech Geological Survey, www.geology.cz, (C) Czech Geological Survey, 2011, v.0.99 [13.12.2011]